Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Starting the Paleo Challenge

It's day two of the Paleo Challenge at CFNE.  I like the format and adding the competitive public flair to the reporting (its all on a wall at the gym) - its helps keep focus on the goal of eating healthy the same way writing the WOD time on the wall helps you drive to perform. So what did I eat:

Day 1 Sept 1: Breakfast (Veggie Fritata, Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothy, 1 cup of coffee with milk)
                      Lunch (grilled chicken salad with feta and greek dressing)
                      Snack(1 oz babybell gouda cheese)
                      Dinner ( fuji apple chicken salad at Panera- with dressing)

I gave myself a 3 for the day on eating, I also had 4g fish out and worked out at CFNS - it was good to get back there.

WOD was 5x3 front squats (175, 185, 195, 205, 215) followed by a 5 minute AMRAP (15 double unders,  5 KTE, and 5 Burpies)

Day 2 Sept 2: Breakfast (3 egg veggie omlet - with a little cheese, and a cup of coffee with some skim milk)
                      Lunch (curried cauliflower and chicken - in some tiki masala sauce)
                      Snack (10 macadamian nuts and a pear)
                      Dinner (harvest salad - mixed greans with apple and appricot and 4 oz. sashimi)

WOD: 1-1-1-1... Clean and Jerk, got up to 200 but NOT 205  well below my expectations.  I've been sick with a bad cold for the past week and it feels like I'm starting from scratch on the training.  I'm trying to build a little momentum up now, but its slow going.  It'd be great to get a PR in something (hell anything) soon.

So I think I am doing well on the Paleo Challenge but the proof will be in performance.