Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rowing Sprints (Again)

[Row Sprint 30 sec @ 100% effort; Rest 2:30 off rower; Repeat 5 times] x 2

rest 10 min b/t sets of 5

record total meters per 30 sec set

you should have 10 total scores

compare avg meters recorded on Feb 17th to this time

Gained weight!
Used the timer today

Part 1: 176,173,176,173,171
rest 10
Part2: 171,174,173,173,172

No gass today compared to last week. All 500m split averages lower by about a second. Clouds parted briefly on the third row of part 1.

Did some deads after 20 minutes 4x5 reps, 275,295,315,275 to see if back was back in shape (and in anticipation of the March 7 WOD!) - all is well

Feeling pretty sore (shoulders?) and tired - ready for a rest day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


7 sets for total time:
30 double unders
20 chin ups
10 push jerk from rack - 135#/95#
rest 2 min

Rd 1: 1:31 15/15,UB,UB
Rd 2: 1:35 15/15,UB,UB
Rd 3: 1:44 20/10,15/5,UB
Rd 4: 2:22 15/15,10/10,5/5
Rd 5: 2:23 UB,10/10,5/5
Rd 6: 2:13 UB,10/10,5/5
Rd 7: 2:12 UB,10/10,5/5

Last Jerk at 26:00 even, 14:00 even working time.

Lost it on Rd 4, seemed like rest after 3 was nonexistent. Decided to try to hold butterfly kip whole workout to get the practice - wasn't pretty. DU's got better through the WOD. Jerks just sucked - good lockout but keep riding up on my toes on dip. Grip issues near end of WOD.

On a postive note, I had a good Snatch session prior to the WOD - finally figured out how to keep my arms straight - 3x3, 95,105,115

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 2 of OPT

2/3/2010 Day 2 of OPT


A. 225,275,305,315,345 felt good (345 was a pr but could have gone heavier - hard to keep to 1 minute rest with weight changes)
B. 165                             felt easier at end (next time 185)
C. 185,185,195             - 2 minutes rest. (these were challenging since used 80% of power clean - not hang)
D. All sets unbroken  weighted  0 lbs, 10 lbs,15 lbs, 25 lbs, 35 lbs  2 minutes rest between sets

posterior chain singing after the raises - generally felt good, if light.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010 12:02 PM

m/47/160lbs - Marcher
New to the OPT training and blogging - so bear with me. On East Coast so some inerpretations of the meaning of the WOD -may need to fall back a day to get the benefit of the comment stream.

First Couplet (Rested 2 min after the fist time through the thruster/row pair - then decided that wasn't the intent and did all the rest of this couplet and the others without the 2 minutes between the pairs - just took 2 minutes at the end - bear of a workout that way.

First Couplet:
Rd 1: THR Rx'd UB at 24 sec/ Row 550 (rest 2 min)
Rd 2: THR Rx'd UB at 25 sec/ Row 551 ("no" rest but took 10 sec to catch breath)
Rd 3: THR Rx'd UB at 27 sec /row 545

Rested 2 min and changed weight on bar

Second Couplet
Rd 1: FS Rx'd UB at ~30 sec/ 130reps
Rd 2: same
Rd 3: same

No rest beween rounds. Uncertain on form for "high knee skipping" - ended up looking like a high knee "running man"

Major problems with timing on this one as FS kept messing with my watch on my wrist. What do people use to take times/splits in the middle of these workouts? - hard to do that and breathe.

Rested 2 minutes then did the third couplet

Third Couplet: 3:59 all rounds unbroken

Pullups were a rest! - lost butterfly kip briefly at 10 on 15 round, got it back on the 9's
burpees were tough - very nauseous on the 15 round of burpees
Had to catch breath for ~10 sec after burpees 21 and 15 so time way slower than Fran.